Princess Jackie’s books and posters
teach about ethics, dogs, and friendship.


To raise children into strong adults, we must pay attention to children’s hearts as well as their minds. In her books and posters, Jackie models the qualities of being good, kind, and brave—or how to be a “princess of the heart.” And because she is a little white dog who kids can easily relate to, they learn while having fun.

Kids read about Jackie saying, “Remember, princesses of the heart are good and kind to everyone.” They follow as Jackie walks in a fundraiser to help people who need clean drinking water. They see her attend the Navy’s Fleet Week in San Francisco to show gratitude to those who serve in the military. And they watch Jackie overcome her own hardship of hip dysplasia by being brave.

As one parent told us,

“Your book helps me teach my kids about the things that I have been trying to tell them.”


Jackie’s book series What Dogs Love, includes many facts about dogs. Kids will learn about dogs’ superpowers, like their ability to smell so much better than humans, and about dogs’ favorite activities, like running in dandelion fields, traveling with their families, and playing hiding games.

Her other book series, Jackie’s Adventures, will take kids to events like cattle drives, to celebrations like Fourth of July and Chinese New Year parades, and to contests just for dogs like Halloween costume competitions and surfing championships.


As humankind’s best friends, dogs are uniquely positioned to teach kids about friendship. In today’s world of too much meanness and bullying, Jackie’s books and posters show kids alternatives to being unkind by connecting with friendship and joyfully engaging with their world.

We Want to Hear From You

If you have any feedback for us on how one of Jackie’s books or posters helped you in teaching your child about ethics, dogs, or friendship, we would love to hear from you.

Please email us at: [email protected],

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